
WindowsUpdateBlockerallowsyoutohavecontroloverautomaticWindowsupdates.ThistoolisusefulsinceWindowsoffersnooptionforturningoffWindows ...,DownloadthelatestversionofWindowsUpdateBlockerforWindows.BlockautomaticWindowsupdates.WindowsUpdateBlockerisaverylightprogramthat...,WindowsUpdateBlockerisaPortablefreewarethathelpsyoutocompletelydisableorenableAutomaticUpdatesonyourWindowssystem.,2023年7月11...

Download Windows Update Blocker

Windows Update Blocker allows you to have control over automatic Windows updates. This tool is useful since Windows offers no option for turning off Windows ...

Download Windows Update Blocker 1.8 for Windows

Download the latest version of Windows Update Blocker for Windows. Block automatic Windows updates. Windows Update Blocker is a very light program that...

Download Windows Update Blocker v1.8

Windows Update Blocker is a Portable freeware that helps you to completely disable or enable Automatic Updates on your Windows system.

Windows Update Blocker (Windows)

2023年7月11日 — Windows Update Blocker (Windows), free and safe download. Windows Update Blocker latest version: A free program for Windows, by Sordum.

Windows Update Blocker

2023年6月10日 — Windows Update Blocker is a freeware that helps you to completely disable or enable Automatic Updates on your Windows system, with just a click ...

Windows Update Blocker v1.8

2023年6月10日 — Windows Update Blocker is a freeware that helps you to completely disable or enable Automatic Updates on your Windows system , with just a click ...

[更新] 自動更新關閉工具Windows Update Blocker v1.8

2023年8月11日 — 關閉更新後,即使你手動去點選更新,系統會因為更新需要的必要服務被停用,而持續顯示發生錯誤。

停用Windows 11 10 自動更新工具

2022年2月13日 — 套用後可以到自動更新畫面嘗試更新,應該會顯示更新失敗。



浅谈Windows update彻底禁止

2023年8月20日 — 方法二:. 使用第三方软件Windows Update Blocker禁用相关服务,. 官网地址:Windows Update Blocker v1.8 (sordum.